Going Through the Brand Process - 4 Things to Know
Going through our own brand process, we've been able to really put our processes into action. Here are some things to consider when going through putting together a new brand or going through a rebrand so you can achieve the best results for your business and build lasting relationships with your customers.
Understand the Why
For any branding, design, marketing or advertising (BDMA) firm to truly understand your brand they must understand where you have come from, why you decided to get into business and what you hope it to become.
A value/mission statement, business plan or goals list is always useful in this stage to understand what you are trying to achieve and likewise they can strategically aim to to brand you with the same vision.
This should always be recorded in some way and it’s also good to get a report back from the firm to ensure that you are all aligned.
NOTE: We’ve found at times this can be a difficult stage for business owners. It may be because you’ve never had to think of your businesses from your customers point of view. We use a form which helps us lead though this process or it may also be an opportunity to introduce a copywriter into the mix to help refine your messaging and language.
The Proposal
Using the information they have gathered, your BDMA firm should now be able to assemble a document which outlines the process they will be going through to develop your New Brand.
This should include “the brief” which should be an explanation of the overarching objective; What is the problem they will be solving; How their firm will be able to facilitate this objective through their services; a breakdown of the steps they will be taking to ensure it stays inline with the objective; A timeline that not only maps out due dates, but also follow up meeting times to ensure the project stays on plan; and finally the quote.
NOTE: To ensure that all parties are on the same page make sure you review the proposal and adjust, then have all parties sign. This way everyone is on the same page with the project process.

Review the Market
For a comprehensive brand strategy to really create individuality and stand out within its market, it is always recommended to do a review of 3-6 direct competitors or industry leaders. Through this you can discover pros and cons of how they communicate and go to market and use this to refine how you want to be seen in the market.
NOTE: This is a great time to also give reference to brands you like and don’t like, whether in your industry or not, this helps to define the direction.
Be Unique
Using all the documentation and reference now gathered, the creative process begins with a strategic and defined direction. Allow your creative to push boundaries, drive innovation and dare to be different.
QUALITY CONTROL: To ensure the project stays its course - on time and on budget - enquire to whether your BDMA firm has a system to track time, file versions and client communication so that you don’t end up with any surprises at the end.